Events & Talks

I wish to make a small dent in the universe by sharing my knowledge on building software that lasts, changes people's experiences and moves the industry forward.

I always look forward to sharing my experience with a curious audience. Bill Gates said:

Power comes not from knowledge kept but from knowledge shared.

I agree. There is no point accumulating knowledge for the sake of it.

Speaking gives me a great opportunity to effect change, spark curiosity and influence different thinking. I had a chance to give talks all over the world, from sunny Brighton and Minsk, to far away Sendai, in Japan and meet along the way many incredibly interesting people with an insatiable appetite for bettering their software development knowledge, and shared many conversations that inspire me to create new tools, write articles and learn.

In my talks and workshops, I dive into software practices that impact everyday programmers to increase productivity and confidence when releasing new software.

If you're interested in having me speak or host a workshop at your event or conference, please get in touch! I'd love to hear from you.